by Alison Seabrooke | Nov 13, 2018 | Leader
I am sometimes asked what I do for a living with an expectation that my response will comprise a simple word or two. I don’t, though, have an easily identifiable profession or job which says what it does on the tin, such as engineer, sales assistant, teacher. I have...
by Alison Seabrooke | Nov 7, 2018 | Article, Personal, Report
In October 2018 I concluded a report for Sutton Coldfield Town Council, to consider the health and wellbeing needs of its population of around 100,000 and how a community development and engagement approach could help address local priorities. The Town Council was...
by Alison Seabrooke | Nov 30, 2016 | Article
It’s often said that the greatest gift you can possess in life is good health. Many of us take our health for granted, that is until something creeps up on us or worse, hits us out of the blue. It might not be our own health that is affected but someone close to us...
by Alison Seabrooke | Nov 26, 2015 | Guest blog
When philosopher Desiderius Erasmus said Prevention is better than cure, I doubt he thought we would still be stating the obvious over 500 years later. Chapter two of the NHS Five Year Forward View is dedicated to ‘Getting serious about prevention’ and creating a ‘new...
by Alison Seabrooke | Sep 2, 2015 | Guest blog
People-centred policies The first 100 days of the new Parliament passed by quietly in mid-August. In this short time, the new Government has generated a variety of policy updates that have hit the headlines. From reforming the NHS, improving social care and shaking up...